Jake Atlas and the Tomb of the Emerald Snake

By Rob Lloyd Jones

Jake Atlas - tomb robber, treasure hunter, troublemaker!

When Jake's parents vanish, Jake and his sister team up with shady tomb robbers to find them in the Egyptian desert in this riveting page-turning adventure by award-winning author Rob Lloyd Jones. The Atlas family is in trouble: Jake hides an addiction to stealing; his twin sister, Pan, has to conceal her genius, for fear of bullies. The siblings can't stop fighting – with each other and with their parents, stuffy professors of Ancient History. But Jake's and Pan's lives take a dramatic turn the day they discover the truth about their boring mum and dad. When the family go to Cairo on holiday, and Jake and Pan's parents mysteriously vanish, it's up to the twins to find them. They team up with shady tomb robbers, master high-tech gadgets and locate a lost tomb in this story of a family that finds itself in the deserts of Egypt.

Categories: Fiction

For readers aged: 9+

  • Publication details:
  • Format: Paperback
  • ISBN: 9781406361445
  • Published: 05 Jan 2017
  • Price: £7.99
  • Size: 198 x 129 mm
  • Pages: 336

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  • Me-My-Brother-and-the-Monster-Meltdown
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Customer reviews


'Page-turning historical adventure in the deserts of Cairo, from the author of the acclaimed Wild Boy books.' Bookseller

'Rob Lloyd Jones is author of the fantastic Wild Boy books, but he’s swapped freak shows for treasure hunts in this fast-paced adventure. Young readers will love the natural-born troublemaker Jake: he’s fun, charismatic and fearless. Some might also sympathise with secret-genius sister Pan. Rip-roaring action like this feels like it harks back to a more traditional idea of an adventure story, but it’s a high-tech and up-to-the-minute modern take.' BookTrust

'“It’s great fun, the Egyptian settings giving it an extra edge and the developing relationship between Jake and Pan gives it a cool credibility too. This is definitely one to recommend to fans of the Alex Rider books, and readers would also enjoy Defender of the Realm by Nick Ostler and Mark Huckerby.”' LoveReading Andrea Reece

'“This is a fast paced adventure with plenty of action and humour that would suit most young teens. Even more appealing is the fact that unlike many books of this type, the children are the ones leading the chase and calling the shots.”' The School Librarian

'“This is Indiana Jones meets Mission Impossible with a touch of the Goonies thrown in for good measure.”' South Wales Evening Post

' “This is a fast paced adventure with plenty of action and humour that would suit most young teens. Even more appealing is the fact that unlike many books of this type, the children are the ones leading the chase and calling the shots.”' The School Librarian

'“When the family go to Cairo on holiday, Jake and Pan's parents vanish, and it's up to the twins to find them.”' Little London

'“”[…] amazing book […] I recommend this spectacular read to kids 8-11yrs.”' Anorak

'“Wonderful escapism and a fabulous story that leaves you wanting more. I can't recommend Jake Atlas highly enough.”' Fallen Star Stories

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