The Princess and the (Greedy) Pea

By Leigh Hodgkinson

There was a green pea who swallowed a sprout. Without a doubt, a Brussels sprout. What's that about?

This little pea is SO hungry! So hungry that he has swallowed a sprout, slurped down some soup, munched all the bread, wolfed down the pie, gobbled the cake, noshed all the pickle, guzzled the cheese (that made him sneeze), drank all the tea, and then, chomped up the table! And after ALL that, he needs to have a rest. But just WHOSE food was he eating? And WHOSE bed is he resting in? Cue ... one very grumpy, very hungry princess … with a taste for revenge. A highly imaginative modern retelling of fairy-tale classic, The Princess and the Pea, and much-loved nursery rhyme, There Was an Old Lady Who Swallowed a Fly, with artwork that is both stylishly detailed and incredibly funny.

Categories: Picture Books

For readers aged: 3+

  • Publication details:
  • Format: Hardback
  • ISBN: 9781529503005
  • Published: 03 Aug 2023
  • Price: £12.99
  • Size: 288 x 248 mm
  • Pages: 32

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Customer reviews


'A pea slurps, gobbles and munches his way through a feat in this comic reimagining of The Princess and the Pea […] Hodgkinson, who co-creaed Olibob Top, clearly had fun imagining why the Pea of the original tale stopped the princess from sleeping, and in this bright and bouncy version the Pea is gloriously greedy and round.' The Bookseller

'A particularly whimsical book, turning the classic fairy tale on its head. This book will delight younger readers at bedtime – the words are lyrically rhyming and the illustrations captivating.' Independent

'The Princess And The (Greedy) Pea is a book reminiscent of the children’s classic The Very Hungry Caterpillar… a particularly whimsical book, turning the classic fairy tale on its head.' The Belfast Telegraph

'Leigh Hodgkinson’s playful, patterned illustrations that complement her text so well, have plenty to amuse. Pea’s expressions are splendid as he relishes every morsel of the meal; so too are those of the royal moggy and the princess. A delicious offering from beginning to end, but for those familiar with the inspirations for the tale, it will taste even better.' Red Reading Hub

'Every page is a riot of colour […] I strongly recommend this very funny story.' The Letterpress Project

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