
By Leslie Patricelli

Baby’s big smile is about to get toothier.

Ouch! Baby’s mouth feels funny. Something is happening, and it’s not just that a puddle of drool keeps escaping. There it is – a new tooth! And where there’s one, there are soon to be more... From discovering what’s good to bite (and what’s not) to mastering the art of the toothbrush, Baby’s dental adventure is sure to give little teething buddies something to chew on.

Categories: Board Books

For readers aged: 0+

  • Publication details:
  • Format: Board Book
  • ISBN: 9781406384987
  • Published: 03 Jan 2019
  • Price: £6.99
  • Size: 178 x 178 mm
  • Pages: 26

More to explore...

  • Snow
  • Splash
  • Daddy
  • Mummy
  • Doggie-Gets-Scared

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  • Giggles
  • Snow
  • Goodnight-Little-Fish
  • A-Brave-Bear

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Board Book

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