
By Timothée de Fombelle

A gripping mystery-adventure about a desperate search for identity by critically acclaimed author, Timothee de Fombelle.

In a world between wars, Vango is on the cusp of taking priestly vows when he is suddenly made a fugitive. Fleeing from the police who blame him for murder, as well as more sinister forces with darker intentions, Vango attempts to trace the secrets of his shrouded past and prove his innocence before all is lost. This is a breathless and highly cinematic story that follows Vango from Scotland to the Soviet Union and from the rooftops of Paris to Nazi Germany. Centred on a mysterious, unforgettable, and romantic protagonist, Vango tells a thrilling story sure to captivate lovers of daring escapades and subversive literary heroes.

Categories: Fiction

For readers aged: 9+

  • Publication details:
  • Format: Paperback
  • ISBN: 9781406330922
  • Published: 01 May 2014
  • Price: £8.99
  • Size: 198 x 129 mm
  • Pages: 432

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Customer reviews


'Timothee De Fombelle, Vango: Between Sky and Earth, Independent – Author of mesmerising Toby Alone, the French novelist has now come up with yet another utterly distinctive adventure story. Expertly translated by Sarah Ardizzone, this tall but continually gripping tale is set in the 1930s in an atmosphere reminiscent of pre-war French cinema at its most romantic… Satisfyingly long, with a plot that flits between time zones but is always easy to follow, this is simply too good to miss, with a sequel promised next year.' Independent

'A beautifully inventive adventure novel, this story reminds me of nothing more than the unabridged version of The Count of Monte Cristo - but set in the 1900s and meant to be read by a younger audience. This is, by the way, the highest praise I can give to an adventure novel […] Vango has the same ingenuity, the same imagination, as Alexander Dumas's work, with a never-ending series of fantastic events that the incredibly talented main character negotiates with aplomb. […] It is de Fombelle's adept characterization that solidifies the real, poignant emotional underpinning of what might otherwise be a fluffy adventure novel.' The Globally Curious

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