Blood Moon

By Lucy Cuthew

Sarah Crossan meets Sex Education in this feminist YA verse novel about periods, sex and online shaming.

Blood Moon is an extraordinary YA novel in verse about the online shaming of a teenage girl. During astronomy-lover Frankie's first sexual experience with the quiet and lovely Benjamin, she gets her period. It's only blood, they agree. But soon a graphic meme goes viral, turning an innocent, intimate afternoon into something disgusting, mortifying and damaging. As the online shaming takes on a horrifying life of its own, Frankie begins to wonder: is her real life over? Blood Moon is a punchy, vivid and funny story of first-time love, hormone-fuelled sexuality and intense female friendships – whilst addressing, head-on, the ongoing exploitation of young girls online and the horror of going viral. Both shocking and uplifting, it cuts to the heart of what it is to be a teenager today and shows the power of friendship to find joy in even the darkest skies.

Categories: Fiction

For readers aged: 14+

  • Publication details:
  • Format: Paperback
  • ISBN: 9781406393446
  • Published: 02 Jul 2020
  • Price: £7.99
  • Size: 198 x 129 mm
  • Pages: 416

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Customer reviews


'Written with humour and understanding, this is the book young people need.' Sara Pascoe

'With every verse of her debut, Cuthew shouts down the shame, chips away at the period taboo, and firmly establishes herself as a bold and vital new voice in feminist literature.' Samantha Shannon

'Blood Moon is one of the best YA debuts I’ve read in years. Moving, compelling and bold, it filled me with such hope. It’s a very special book.' Louise O'Neill

'A bloody brilliant book!'

'This is female adolescence, crystalized. And it's astounding.'

'A must read.'

'Brilliant, heart wrenching.'

'I devoured this amazing book. Absolutely genuis.'

'I stormed through this book. Extraordinary.'

'Witty, tender and uplifting,'


'A beautiful and brave book that needs to be read.'

'Beguiling verse that refuses to pull punches. An important and inspiring read.'

'Gorgeous and important.'

'I barely looked up... beautifully written, candid novel.'


'Frankie's journey will break your heart, while making you want to dismantle society as we know it.'

'Every teenage girl should read this, and boys too. Exceptional.'

'Featured in The Bookseller July Previews.' The Bookseller

'A astronomy-obsessed teenager gets her period during her first time having sex, and goes viral online. It's such a big story that I would have thought it impossible to pull off in poetry, but Cuthew's writing is sharp and economical, not pulling any punches in writing that dances across the page (Sometimes literally -the design is gorgeous). Really effective and important.' NetGalley

'Written in “verse” – otherwise known as chopped up prose - Blood Moon canters along at a furious pace, evoking the escalating torment of online abuse.' The Financial Times

'Blood Moon is a fearless, funny and empowering tale of first-time love, hormone fuelled sexuality and intense female friendships.' Western Mail Cardiff

'Lucy Cuthew, who has written numerous books for children, both fiction and educational, steps into YA with a highly topical verse novel, Blood Moon. The title references not only the protagonist’s passion for astronomy but the absurd yet very real shame and ignorance that still exists around menstruation … The fragmented nature of the verse lends itself to depicting the viciousness of public shaming.' The Irish Times

'The verse format makes this a pacey and engaging read … This is an important and timely novel that will open conversations and encourage openness. An important addition to any school library.' The School Librarian

'Featured in The Irish Times piece on ‘YA fiction: the best of 2020’.' The Irish Times

'Powerful. Confronting. Necessary. An essential story for young people as they attempt to navigate the online world and the harmful effects of ignorance and naivety.' I Dream of All The Books

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