Midwinter Burning

By Tanya Landman

A historical time-slip adventure for middle grade readers, from the Carnegie Medal-winning author of Apache and Buffalo Soldier.

Alfie Wright? Alfie Wrong, more like. Alfie has never really fitted in anywhere – he doesn't have any friends, and even his mum seems embarrassed of him. So when he’s evacuated to a farm in rural Devon run by kind old Aunt Bell and her gentle giant of a son, Alfie can’t believe his luck. The War seems a long way off, and among the cows and pigs and geese Alfie's happier than he’s ever been – especially when he makes friends with one of the local boys, Smidge. But Smidge, for all his friendliness, is not all he appears. And the mystery that surrounds him seems to be connected to the Midwinter Burning, an annual ritual held at the Standing Stones, high up on the cliffs. Aunt Bell says it’s all just a bit of harmless superstition, but when Smidge goes missing, Alfie finally discovers who his friend really is – and relives the true horror of the legend…

Categories: Fiction

For readers aged: 9+

  • Publication details:
  • Format: Paperback
  • ISBN: 9781406397185
  • Published: 03 Nov 2022
  • Price: £7.99
  • Size: 198 x 129 mm
  • Pages: 256

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Customer reviews


'Landman is a natural storyteller, always engrossing.' The Times

'A thrilling, compelling timeslip novel for 9+ from a Carnegie-winning author, with echoes of Goodnight Mr Tom and Stig of the Dump' Children and teens roundup, Guardian

'a gripping, original blend of Goodnight Mr. Tom, and The Wicker Man […] An outstanding story about how courage can redeem both past and present.' New Statesman

'featured in 'Young & YA Reads' list in BookTime' BookTime

'"This exhilirating, historical time-slip adventure has moments of real terror as well as joy, and is perfect for fans of Phil Earle, Clive King, and Philippa Pearce."' The Bookseller

'A lovely deep story, full of the countryside, history and of the goodness of people […] Boys and girls of 9+ will find much to learn and empathise with in this story from the experienced hands of Tanya Landman.' Books for Keeps

'Tanya Landman writes with awe-inspiring power. She is a masterful storyteller […] If you need a book to pull you out of the darkness of winter, then this is a superb place to start. Truly brilliant.' Chris Soul

'Landman has created her own genre with this book - part historical fiction, part fantasy, part mythology. It’s totally different to anything I’ve read before and Landman uses dual narrative beautifully to interweave two separate, but connected, storylines.' NetGalley

'Tanya weaves a fascinating tale of two worlds and how they interact, how friendship can overcome adversity, and how even the littlest of us can succeed.' Big Bearded Bookseller

'For any fans of Phil Earle, Lesley Parr, Goodnight Mr. Tom or Sophie Kirtley […] I loved the immersive WW2 experience of the countryside coupled with the time travel fantasy element as it felt very unique. When past and present collide during that gripping climax, I gasped several times. I can’t wait to share this with my Y5 class next week as they’ll love this.' Check 'Em Out Books

'one of the best books I’ve read in 2022 […] ‘Midwinter burning’ is a beautifully written story, which I think everyone should read, especially the fans of historical fiction and time travel.' NetGalley

'This was a very interesting, twisty story. I like that it joined two very different times and shows that children are fairly similar whenever and wherever they are from.' Kids Book Review, Books Up North

'Midwinter Burning combines friendship, evacuation and time-travel seamlessly into a novel that will warm your heart.' K and O Bonkers About Books

'The execution of the time-slip element in this novel is truly skilful and I think children will enjoy going back and picking up the clues that were hidden in plain sight all along.' My Book Corner

'Midwinter Burning is rich in historical detail and vividly captures landscapes and characters. […] A brilliant read!' ReadingZone

'This is a fascinating, engaging timeslip novel […] Excitement, fear, and horror make this a page turner that will keep readers engrossed to the very end.' LoveReading4Kids

'an atmospheric, moving time-slip story' Just Imagine, Favourite Books of 2022

'Featured in Pen & Inc Autumn/Winter 2022 listings, highlighting the best in diversity and inclusion in children's books.' Pen & Inc

'This would be a great book to recommend to children who have enjoyed classic evacuee stories like Goodnight Mister Tom or Carrie’s War. It would also work very well as a class reader for older primary or younger secondary children, with scope to discuss a wide range of topics […] Above all, it is a consistently engaging story which invites us to care deeply about its characters.' Just Imagine

'Very exciting and heartfelt historic fiction.' The Kids Books Curator

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