Nothing But the Truth

By Dick Lehr

Inspired by the true story of a young man's false imprisonment for murder, this is a gripping novel about a daughter’s fight for justice against the odds.

In his first book for teenagers, Dick Lehr, a former reporter for the Boston Globe’s famous Spotlight Team, has re-imagined a case he investigated to create a compelling story about a daughter determined to prove her father’s innocence. On a hot summer night in Boston, a thirteen-year-old African-American girl became the innocent victim of gang-related gunfire. Amid public outcry, an immediate manhunt was on to catch the murderer, and a young African-American man was quickly apprehended, charged, and – wrongly – convicted of the crime. Trell was only a baby when her father was imprisoned, but she has always been certain of his innocence. Twelve years after his conviction, she persuades a down-on-his-luck reporter and a determined lawyer to help clear her father’s name. As they attempt to uncover back-door deals, track down crucial witnesses and unearth vital evidence that will prove her father’s innocence, it becomes clear that some people in the neighbourhood want to keep this information hidden – at any cost.

Categories: Fiction

For readers aged: 12+

  • Publication details:
  • Format: Paperback
  • ISBN: 9781406379846
  • Published: 03 Jan 2019
  • Price: £7.99
  • Size: 198 x 129 mm
  • Pages: 336

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Customer reviews


'Lehr covered the inspiring true story behind this one as a journalist and brings to light many of the important details not only of the case, but of the public conversation that surrounded Boston at the time—and does to this day...This tale of the fallout from the war on drugs recognizes one family's resolve as it hammers home the failures of public policy and the court system to uphold justice for all.' Kirkus Reviews

'Based on events involving the accidental shooting death of an African American girl, the crack-fueled gang culture of 1980s Boston, and the ensuing outrage, this book will resonate with today’s teens. Trell is an appealingly gutsy heroine whose belief in her father is strong enough to drag an attorney and a down-on-his-luck journalist into her orbit...Younger YA readers will enjoy this fast-paced thriller.' School Library Journal

'In precise, economical prose, former reporter Lehr (Black Mass) recounts a suspenseful story inspired by a case he investigated in the 1980s...Without sugarcoating city violence, Lehr presents facts about the case in terms readers will understand while providing enough exciting discoveries and triumphs to offset Trell’s disappointments.' Publishers Weekly

'Lehr's background as a journalist results in a story full of details that might not otherwise be captured...The young heroine's voice and determination to prove the truth are inspiring in this intriguing take on a 1980s crime.' ForeWord Reviews

'Lehr, himself an investigative reporter for the Boston Globe, found the inspiration for this novel in the true story of a wrongful conviction, and his meticulously drawn procedural elements are unsensationalized and convincing. Recommend this to readers not quite ready to tackle season one of the Serial podcast.' Bulletin of the Center for Children's Books

'The story was inspired by real-life events that happened in Boston in the 1980s. The author himself is a former Boston Globe reporter which lends authenticity to the story...the story itself is compelling and fast-paced.' School Library Connection

'[…] a novel that is nothing less than remarkable.' Mamma, Mummy, Mum

'“Heartfelt, compelling and mind-opening; this is a book you must not ignore. Read this book.”' Fallen Star Stories

'Featured/recommended' The Boston Globe

'Dick Lehr featured in article "Revisiting an old injustice in a new way"' The Boston Globe

'Dick Lehr featured' BU Today

'Dick Lehr interviewed' WBUR Radio Boston

'Dick Lehr guest blog post' Nerdy Book Club (blog)

'Q&A with Dick Lehr ' Publishers Weekly

'Featured/recommended in round-up of new kids and YA books' Publishers Weekly

'Featured/recommended' YA Books Central (blog)

'Featured/recommended' The Book Raven (blog)

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